Anesthesia System training on 27-30 Jul 2009 at Langkawi Hospital by Mr Tan Boon Hong

Muhamad Azam, Lakmal, Jaswinder, Lau Kah Leong, Noraini, Hasmuni, Ah Tong, Mohd Al Awal, Thevathiran, Mohd Basri.

Training on Lab Equipment

by ACE | 2:43 AM in | comments (0)

Training on Lab Equipment - ISE Electrolyte & ABG Analyzer on 21-23 Jul 2009 at Langkawi Hospital.
Conducted by Mr Tan Boon Hong

Participants : Mohd sabaruddin, Rajarathinam, Senthilkumar, Md Shabnam, Noor Azarul, Mohd Basri, Mohammed Fairus, Putri Nurul Zahrina and Mohd Nadzi.

ACE on Jun - Jul 2009

by ACE | 9:25 PM in | comments (0)

10th July 2009 (1 Day) - 2nd session, for all Imaging, Life Support and General Mentors briefing be held at ACE Training Centre Participants:
1. Ah Tong - Kedah
2. Edgar Dauzon - Kedah
3. Lim Leong Choon - Penang
4 . Lakmal Maitipe - Penang
5. Edwin Sulima Gonzales - Penang
6. Fong Weng Thong - Perak
7. Jaswinder Singh -Perak
8. Kamal Bin Ibrahim - Perak
09. Goh Kia Teck -Sarawak
10. Quitus Ng - Sarawak
11. Armando Ngojo - Sarawak

Analog & Digital -15th Jun - 26 Jul 2009

2.WONG LEONG BUONG -Sarawak/Serian
10.FAISAL BIN CHE PA -Penang/S.Jaya

For those who do not understand Chinese, take a look at the photos below:
Those who often cross their legs when sitting for a long period of time, 3 unhealthy things will happen:

1. Their backbone tends to become 'C' shape

2. They will have neck aches and backaches on one side

3. For ladies, the shoulder will tend to slant one side causing the bra strap to slip down the slanted shoulder.

Try not to cross your legs when sitting.

Top 5 Cancer-cousing food

by ACE | 7:56 PM in | comments (0)

The top five cancer-causing foods are:

1. Hot Dog

Because they are high in nitrates, the Cancer Prevention Coalition advises that children eat no more than 12 hot dogs a month. If you can't live without hot dogs, buy those made without sodium nitrate.

2. Processed meats and bacon

Also high in the same sodium nitrates found in hot dogs, bacon, and other processed meats raise the risk of heart disease. The saturated fat in bacon also contributes to cancer.

3. Doughnuts

Doughnuts are cancer-causing double trouble. First, they are made with white flour, sugar, and hydrogenated oils, then fried at high temperatures. Doughnuts, says Adams , may be the worst food you can possibly eat to raise your risk of cancer.

4. French fries

Like doughnuts, French fries are made with hydrogenated oils and then fried at high temperatures. They also contain cancer- causing acryl amides which occur during the frying process. They should be called cancer fries, not French fries, said Adams .

5. Chips, crackers, and cookies

All are usually made with white flour and sugar. Even the ones whose labels claim to be free of trans-fats generally contain small amounts of trans-fats

Breakfast can help prevent strokes, heart attack and sudden death. Advice on not to skip breakfast!

Healthy living For those who always skip breakfast, you should stop that habit now! You've heard many times that "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." Now, recent research confirms that one of the worst practices you can develop may be avoiding breakfast


Because the frequency of heart attack, sudden death, and stroke peaks between 6: 00a.m. and noon , with the highest incidence beingbetween 8: 00a.m. and 10:00a.m.What mechanism within the body could account for this significant jump in sudden death in the earlymorning hours?

We may have an Answer.

Platelet, tiny elements in the blood that keep us from bleeding to Death if we get a cut, can clump together inside our arteries due tocholesterol or laque buildup in the artery lining. It is in the morning hours that platelets become the most activated and tend to form these internal blood clots at the greatest frequency.

However, eating even a very light breakfast prevents the morning platelet activation that is associated with heart attacks and strokes. Studies performed at Memorial University in St.Johns, Newfoundland found that eating a light, very low-fat breakfast was critical in modifying the morning platelet activation. Subjects in the study consumed either low-fat or fat-free yogurt, orange juice, fruit, and a source of protein coming from yogurt or fat-free milk. So if you skip breakfast, it's important that you change this practice immediately in light of this research. Develop a simple plan to eat cereal, such as oatmeal or Bran Flakes, along with six ounces of grape juice or orange juice, and perhaps a piece of fruit. This simple plan will keep your platelets from sticking together, keep blood clots from forming, and perhaps head off a potential Heart Attack or stroke. So never ever skip breakfast

Bahaya Microwave Oven

by ACE | 8:18 PM in | comments (0)


Ketuhar gelombang mikro atau lebih popular dengan nama inggerisnya microwave oven, ialah antara gajet moden yang popular dikalangan para suri rumah dan pengusaha restoran di dunia sebagai jalan pintas menyediakan makanan untuk keluarga dan pelanggan.

Ketuhar ini amat popular kerana kecekapannya memanaskan makanan dalam sekelip mata. Lebih-lebih lagi, amat membantu pada bulan puasa, waktu sahur. Para ibu dan isteri hanya perlu masukkan makanan ke dalam ketuhar dan tekan punatnya...nyit. ..nyit... nyit dan tinggg....! Makanan panas sudah pun terhidang. Justeru, hampir setiap rumah kini memiliki microwave oven.

Cara masak melawan fitrah

Cara memasak atau memanaskan makanan di atas api atau ketuhar biasa bermula dengan makanan panas di bahagian luar dahulu, kemudian barulah haba masuk ke bahagian dalam. Berlainan dengan penggunaan ketuhar gelombang mikro. Makanan yang dimasak atau dipanaskan akan menjadi panas di bahagian dalam dahulu, kemudian barulah haba bergerak ke luar.Ini boleh dilihat dengan membakar kentang di dalam ketuhar gelombang mikro untuk satu tempoh yang agak lama, katakan sejam. Walaupun telah dimasak sejam, kentang kelihatan seperti belum masak. Tetapi jika dibelah, tiada apa di bahagian dalamnya melainkan arang!Inilah yang dikatakan cara memasak melawan fitrah. Pastinya sesuatu yang melawan fitrah, lazimnya membawa keburukan..

Ketuhar pengancam nyawa

Ketuhar gelombang mikro diperkenalkan pada orang ramai sekitar pertengahan 1950-an. Ketika itu tidak banyak kajian saintifik terhadap kesan memakan makanan gelombang mikro. Cuma sejak kebelakangan ini barulah pelbagaikajian dan penyelidikan dilakukan terhadap kesan memakan makanan gelombang mikro kepada kesihatan manusia.Kesemuanya merumuskan bahawa ketuhar gelombang mikro menghasilkan makanan yang sangat bahaya. Ini agak mengejutkan kerana ketuhar ini baru bersama kita beberapa dekad sahaja. Namun dalam tempoh yang singkat itu, pelbagai penyakit yang berbahaya dan pelik-pelik muncul satu persatu. Ini secara teorinya, menjelaskan penggunaan ketuhar gelombang mikro turut menyumbang kepada meningkatnya pelbagai penyakit yangmengancam nyawa!Tidak hairan jika golongan remaja hari ini, banyak yang diserang sakit jantung, dan orang muda seusia20-an dan 30-an mati menghidap kanser.

Makanan jadi toksik

Dalam penggunaan ketuhar gelombang mikro, radiasi elektromagnetik menggerakkan molekul-molekul makanan.Molekul-molekul ini 'dipaksa' berpusing sedangkan kalau memanaskan makanan cara biasa, molekul-molekul ini bergerak dari tepi ke tepi. Keadaan berpusing ini memusnahkan molekul dan kadang kala menyusunnya semula menjadi bahan-bahan toksik yang menyebabkan alahan kepada manusia.

Badan tak kenal makanan

Yang dibimbangkan tentang penggunaan ketuhar gelombang mikro, bukan radiasi yang terhasil, tetapi bagaimana ia merosakkan DNA makanan hingga badan manusia tidak kenal bahawa apa yang ditelan itu ialah makanan.Kerana tidak mengenali makanan, badan bertindak menyalutinya di dalam sel-sel lemak sebagai perlindungan terhadap 'makanan mati'; atau badang mengumuhkannya dengan pantas.Sesungguhnya telah banyak bukti saintifik yang didedahkan oleh saintis akan bahaya penggunaan ketuhar gelombang mikro, para pengeluar tetap mengatakan ia selamat keranakeuntungan yang diperoleh daripada penjualan ketuhar ini berlipat ganda.

Penemuan mengejutkan

Dua orang penyelidik, Blanc dan Hertel telah mengesahkan bahawa memasak menggunakan ketuhar gelombang mikro, dengan ketaranya mengubah nutrisi makanan. Hertel telah bertahun-tahun menjadi saintis makanan dan berkhidmat di sebuah syarikat makanan Swiss terkemuka. Dia dibuang kerja kerana mempersoalkan prosedur memproses makanansecara luar tabi'i. Lantas dia bergabung tenaga dan kepakaran dengan Blanc dari Swiss Federal Institute of Biochemistry dan University Institute for Biochemistry. .Kedua-dua saintis ini mengkaji kesan makanan mikro gelombang terhadap lapan individu dengan mengambil darah mereka sejurus selepas mengambil makanan gelombang mikro. Blanc dan Hertel mendapati paras haemoglobin individu-individu ini telah menurun. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan orang yang makan makanan gelombang mikro cenderung mendapat anaemia (kekurangan darah). Situasi bertambah jelas pada bulan kedua penyelidikan.Itu baru dua bulan diberi makan makanan gelombang mikro, bagaimana kalau kita memakannya berbulan-bulan, bertahun-tahun?

Sepuluh sebab ketuhar gelombang mesti dibuang

Perhatikan fakta hasil kajian klinikal saintifik Swiss, Jerman dan Rusia di bawah ini:

1. Makan makanan yang melalui proses ketuhar gelombang mikro menyebabkan kerosakan otak dalam jangka panjang iaitu ia 'memendekkan' utusan elektrik di dalam otak (depolarizing atau demagnetizing tisu otak).

2. Badan manusia tidak mampu meleraikan (metabolize) bahan makanan yang dimasak/dipanaskan di dalam ketuhar gelombang mikro.

3. Pengeluaran hormon lelaki dan perempuan terhenti dan/atau berubah dengan mengambil makanan gelombang mikro.Kesan makanan gelombang mikro

4 .sebenarnya ibarat sisa/sampah di dalam badan manusia.

5. Mineral, vitamin dan khasiat makanan gelombang mikro berkurang atau berubah. Jadi badan kita dapat sedikit sahaja manfaat makanan. Badan kita juga menyerap kompaun-kompaun yang berubah itu, dan tidak dapat meleraikannya.

6. Mineral-mineral di dalam sayuran berubah menjadi radikal bebas yang menyebabkan kanser apabila dimasak/dipanaskan di dalam ketuhar gelombang mikro. Ini antara puncamengapa pengidap kanser meningkat.

7. Makanan gelombang mikro menyebabkan ketumbuhan kanser di dalam perut dan usus-juga menjadi punca meningkatnya penghidap penyakit ini.

8. Makan makanan gelombang mikro berpanjangan menyebabkan sel-sel kanser meningkat di dalam darah manusia.

9. Makan makanan gelombang mikro secara berterusan juga menyebabkan merosotnya sistem imun melalui kelenjar limpa dan pengubahan serum darah.

10. Makanan gelombang mikro menyebabkan hilang daya ingatan, tumpuan, kestabilan emosi dan mengurangkan kecerdikan.


Pernahkah kita terfikir mengapa anak-anak kita hari ini degil, keras dan gelap hati? Atau kerap berlaku 'haruan makan anak' serta amalan seks luar tabi'i? Atau pernahkahterlintas di benak fikiran kita, mengapa makin ramai yang cenderung menukar jantina - perempuan mahu jadi lelaki dan yang lelaki mahu jadi perempuan?

Fenomenanya krisis identiti dan gender kini menular dan semakin menjadi kelaziman. Antara sebabnya ialah kecelaruan hormon di dalam badan yang selain disebabkan makan makanan yang berstatus syubhah, juga berkemungkinan besar berpunca daripada makanan yang ditelan melalui proses gelombang mikro.

Selain pengusaha restoran, siapa lagi yang menghidangkan makanan yang mengancam kesihatan ini kalau bukan kita sendiri? Kitalah isteri, kitalah ibu yang kononnya sentiasa sibuk.Maka ketuhar gelombang mikrolah yang kita sandarkan untuk pantas menyediakan makanan keluarga tersayang.Jika di rumah kita ada ketuhar ini dan telah tahu akan bahayanya, hentikanlah penggunaannya.

Hanya mereka yang zalim sahaja sanggup menggadai nyawa sendiri dan ahli keluarganya.Jika anda sedang berkira-kira mahu membeli ketuhar gelombang mikro, lupakan niat itu. Laburkan duit anda itu untuk sesuatu yang lebih bermanfaat untuk kesihatan keluarga. Jangan kita menjadi pembunuh kepada keluarga melalui penggunaan ketuhar gelombang mikro dengan memberi mereka makan makanan yang mengancam nyawa!

Terdapat banyak jurnal dan rencana kesihatan dan perubatan yang menjelaskan bahayanya ketuhar gelombang mikro kepada nyawa manusia.


  • http://www.mercola. com/article/ microwave/ hazards2.

  • htm article/microwav e.

  • htmlhttp://www.indigosu microwave. htm

1st Batch Mentor Briefing

by ACE | 11:42 PM in | comments (0)

1st session briefing program, for Laboratory and Hemodialysis Mentors

be held at ACE on 06th July 2009 conducted by En Azman.

1.Senthilkumar Nallaramadoss
3.M.Nadzari Mat Nor
5.Rajesh Kumar Sonahey
6.Narendren Balakrishnan
7.Ronisari Paulus
8.Ravindra Babu
9.Biju David
10.Mohd Nizam Abdullah
11.Sarwan Pabangari
12.Sandip Patil

Training on Assembling of Test Tools & Troubleshooting be held at ACE training Centre on 29 Jun - 03 Jul 2009. 11 participants from regions attend this program.

The program was conducted by Mr Ganesan from Ipoh GH and Mr Tan also involve as fasilitator.

During this training our FMS CEO En Adnan
came to visit us and he is very impress at what he saw.

Participants would be train to assemble the following test tools:

Diathermy Flex Cable Tester
Earth Leakage & Voltage TesterECG Lead


Do not turn on A/C immediately as soon as you enter the car!Please open the windows after you enter your car and do not turn ON the air-conditioning immediately. According to a research done, the car dashboard, sofa, air freshener emits Benzene, a Cancer causing toxin (carcinogen- take note of the heated plastic smell in your car).In addition to causing cancer, it poisons your bones, causes anemia, and reduces white blood cells. Prolonged exposure will cause Leukemia, increasing the risk of cancer may also cause miscarriage.Acceptable Benzene level indoors is 50 mg per sq. ft. A car parked indoors with the windows closed will contain 400-800 mg of Benzene. If parked outdoors under the sun at a temperature above 60 degrees F, the Benzene level goes up to 2000-4000 mg, 40 times the acceptable level... & the people inside the car will inevitably inhale an excess amount of the toxins.It is recommended that you open the windows and door to give time for the interior to air out before you enter. Benzene is a toxin that affects your kidney and liver, and is very difficult for your body to expel this toxic stuff.

ACE program May-Jun 2009

by ACE | 11:12 PM in | comments (0)

BEMM F1 - 06-18 May 2009
Back Left : Thomas, Chess, Marcalucce, Faizul, Fazli, Azlan
Front Left : Siti Zulaikha, Ashrani, En Azman, Mr Stan, Zulkifli

Analog & Digital -15th-26th June 2009
Back Left : Suhaimi, Wong, Adzfar, Samson, Jeremy, Sughendrao, Zenobius, Ahmad
Front Left : Faisal, Mr Tan Boon Hong, En Azman Hamid, Nadzri

This is so true!
When you take a long time to finish,you are slow,
When your boss takes a long time to finish,he is thorough
When you don't do it,you are lazy,When your boss does not do it,he is busy,
When you do something without being told,you are trying to be smart,
When your boss does the same,he takes the initiative,
When you please your boss,you are apple polishing,
When your boss pleases his boss,he is cooperating,
When you make a mistake,you're an idiot.
When your boss makes a mistake,he's only human.
When you are out of the office,you are wandering around.
When your boss is out of the office,he's on business.
When you are on a day off sick,you are always sick.
When your boss is a day off sick,he must be very ill.
When you apply for leave,you must be going for an interview
When your boss applies for leave,it's because he's overworked
When you do good,your boss never remembers,
When you do wrong,he never forgets

Appraisal Vs resignation

by ACE | 3:02 AM in | comments (0)

A newly-joined trainee engineer asks his boss " What is the meaning of appraisal ?

"Boss : " Do you know the meaning of resignation ?

"Trainee : " Yes, I do.

"Boss : " So let me make you understand what an appraisal is by comparing it with resignation. "In an appraisal meeting they will speak only about your weakness, errors and failures.

In a resignation meeting they will speak only about your strengths, pastachievements and success.

During an appraisal you may need to cry and beg for even a 10% pay hike.

In a resignation meeting you can easily demand ( or get more without asking) more than 50-60% pay-hike !

During an appraisal, they will deny promotion saying that you did not meet the expectation, you don't have leadership qualities, and that you had several drawbacks in reaching objective/goal.

During resignation, they'll say you are the core member of the team; that you are the vision of the company, and so " How can you go ? "; you have to take the project on your shoulders and lead your juniors to success.There is a 90% chance of not getting any significant incentives after appraisal.There is a 90% chance of getting an immediate pay-hike after you put in your resignation.

Trainee : " Yes, boss, good enough. Now I know what to do. When you are about to do my appraisal, I will resign. "

Eat Right Without Thinking

by ACE | 2:53 AM in | comments (0)

From the instructions for some diets, you'd think losing weight was more complicated than calibrating a sextant against Orion on a cloudy night. The food diaries you need to write; the nutrition labels you need to read and pronounce and translate; the protein, fat, and carbohydrate grams you have to add up. It's time to try an easier way. No math, no more squinting at the fine print and trying to decipher those words with no vowels. Instead, just 20 everyday tactics that will get you started on your weight-loss plan and then help you stick to it. Soon enough, your diet will simply become the way you eat.

1. Always eat dessert. Yes, always. "A small amount can signal that the meal is over," says Barbara Rolls, Ph.D., author of The Volumetrics Eating Plan. She ends her meals with a piece of quality chocolate and she's a doctor.

2. Get help from a paper napkin. You can use it to blot a teaspoon of fat off a pizza slice. That may not sound like a lot, but multiply it by a slice a week, and that's more than a whole cup of fat you won't eat or wear this year.

3. Take the beltway. When junk food beckons, tighten your belt a notch. Not so you can't breathe, but so you have a gentle reminder of the size you'd like to be. "The scale isn't the only measure of weight," says Roberta Anding, R.D., a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.

4. Go public. Enlist the help of friends, family, and coworkers and know they're watching. "The power of embarrassment is greater than willpower," says Stephen Gullo, Ph.D., author of The Thin Commandments.

5. Milk it for all it's worth. Consuming 1,800 milligrams of calcium a day could block the absorption of about 80 calories, according to a recent University of Tennessee study. Jump-start your calcium intake by filling your coffee mug with skim or 1 percent milk, drinking it down to the level you want in your coffee, then pouring in your caffeine fix. That's 300 mg down, 1,500 to go.

6. Scrape by. Always order your bagel or burger with a plastic knife. Use it to scrape off the excess cream cheese and mayo. You could shave off as many as half the calories.

7. Spice things up. Capsaicin, the substance that puts the hot in hot pepper, temporarily boosts your metabolism. Just make sure you're drinking a yogurt lassi with that searing-hot chicken vindaloo. Dairy blocks capsaicin's sweat-inducing signals better than water.

8. Case the organic section. That's where you're likely to find bread and cereal with fiber counts that put the conventional choices to shame. Thought you were doing well with your 3-grams-per-serving Cheerios? Nature's Path Slim blows it away with 10 g. (And it really doesn't taste like a shredded shoebox.)

9. Increase your a-peel. Speaking of fiber, a lot of it's in the peel, whether it's potatoes, apples, or pears. Even oranges don't eat the whole peel, but keep the pith, that white stringy stuff; it's packed with flavonoids. More nutrients, more fiber, less labor. It's a win-win-win.

10. Spend lavishly on precut vegetables at the supermarket. Sure, they cost more, but you're more likely to eat them. "Make low-energy snacks as easy as possible," Dr. Rolls says. "Keep vegetables as near to hand as you can. Make it so you have no excuse."

11. Upgrade your restaurant selection. Pick a place where you'll actually want to linger. "When the meals are not hurried, the presentation is beautiful and the portions are reasonable so you can regulate your attitude," Anding says. That means your body not the empty plate will tell you when to stop.

12. Eat a snack at 3 p.m., no matter what. "Have a 150-calorie snack, and it can save you 400 calories later," Anding says. An ounce of nuts or two sticks of string cheese weigh in at about 170 calories.

13. Drink with your dominant hand. If you're circulating at a party, Dr. Rolls suggests keeping your glass in the hand you eat with. If you're drinking with it, you can't eat with it, can you?

14. Plate it. Whatever it is, don't eat it out of the container and don't bring the container to the couch. "Part of satiety is visual," Anding says. "Your brain actually has to see the food on the plate, and when you reach into the jar, or the box, or the bag, you don't see it." If it's worth eating, put it on a plate. Eat what's there, then stop.

15. Send back the bread. All it takes is a wave of the hand, a smile, and a "No, thank you."

16. Start with salad. It's the holy grail of dieting eat less by eating more. Dr. Rolls's research has found that eating a salad as a first course decreased total lunch calories by 12 percent. Avoid the croutons and creamy dressings, which have the opposite effect.

17. Go out for ice cream. Or an éclair. Or even guacamole and chips. Just go out. Don't keep your danger foods in the house. You can't eat half of a carton of ice cream that's not there in the first place.

18. Give yourself a hand. Find a way other than food to work off your nervous energy. "It's behavior modification," Anding says. "Instead of grabbing a bag of chips, you pick up your knitting. Art works, woodworking works anything that occupies your hands."

19. Wait a minute. Well, 10 minutes. When your mind strays from your desk to the vending machine, it could be hunger or it could be boredom or irritation with your boss. If you're still thinking about snacking 10 minutes later, then you're probably hungry. Think of it as a chance to have one of the nine servings of fruits and vegetables you need each day.

20. Go wild once in a while. Deprivation won't make you thin or happy. Designate a meal or two a week when you can eat absolutely anything you want. "

Wajarkah Tahi Telinga Dikorek?

by ACE | 10:26 PM in | comments (0)

WAJARKAH tahi telinga dikorek atau dikeluarkan pada setiap minggu?
Mungkin ada antara anda yang akan mengorek telinga anak hampir setiap minggu semata-mata untuk mengeluarkan tahi telinga dan memastikan telinga anak anda sentiasa bersih.
Bagaimanapun, sedarkah anda bahawa perbuatan mengorek telinga itu boleh menjejaskan kesihatan telinga dan dikhuatiri boleh memudaratkan pendengaran?
Tidak kiralah sama ada anda menggunakan putik kapas, pengorek telinga diperbuat daripada besi, pin, kunci kereta atau apa saja bahan untuk mengorek atau mengeluarkan tahi telinga, hakikatnya, perbuatan mengorek telinga memang tidak perlu dilakukan. Ini kerana, tahi telinga mampu bertindak sebagai pelindung sama ada terhadap serangga mahupun debu kotoran.
Pakar Telinga, Hidung dan Tekak di sebuah pusat perubatan swasta di ibu negara, Dr Aminuddin Saim, berkata dalam keadaan normal, tahi telinga akan keluar sedikit demi sedikit kerana lapisan kulit telinga mempunyai mekanisme yang akan mengeluarkannya secara berterusan. Justeru, beliau berkata, anda tidak perlu mengorek telinga atau mengeluarkan tahi telinga dengan bahan yang sering kali digunakan untuk tujuan itu.
“Apabila tahi telinga itu sudah terkeluar dan terlihat, anda boleh membersihkannya tetapi jangan pula mengorek telinga dalam-dalam kerana ini boleh menjejaskan kesihatan telinga anak anda,” katanya ketika ditemui, di ibu negara, baru-baru ini.
Dr Aminuddin berkata, korek telinga bukan saja tidak perlu dilakukan di kalangan kanak-kanak, malah setiap individu tidak sepatutnya mengorek telinga. Beliau berkata, lazimnya, ibu bapa menggunakan putik kapas untuk mengorek telinga anak-anak mereka tetapi bahan itu boleh menyebabkan tahi telinga semakin terbenam, melecet atau luka pada kulit telinga dan putik kapas tertinggal di dalam telinga.
Katanya, ada juga yang mengorek telinga dengan pengorek telinga diperbuat daripada besi dan ini lebih berbahaya kerana ia boleh menyebabkan luka dan dikhuatiri boleh tertembus pada gegendang telinga dan seterusnya memudaratkan pendengaran.
“Mengorek telinga memang boleh menyebabkan seseorang menjadi khayal kerana telinga mempunyai banyak saraf dan ia begitu sensitif. Justeru, mengorek telinga kadangkala menjadi amalan atau tabiat seseorang.
“Sebaik-baiknya hentikan amalan itu kerana dikhuatiri boleh menjejas atau memudaratkan kesihatan telinga, terutama gegendang telinga”, katanya.
Dr Aminuddin berkata, tahi telinga ialah satu bahan di dalam telinga yang terdiri daripada serumen (lilin telinga) iaitu kelenjar yang dikeluarkan oleh telinga. Katanya, hasil campuran keretin, debu, kotoran, lelemak dan bulu telinga akan membentuk tahi telinga. Dr Aminuddin berkata, tahi telinga boleh dibahagi kepada dua jenis iaitu keras dan lembut dan sebahagian besar masyarakat Asia mempunyai tahi telinga jenis keras. “Keras atau lembut tahi telinga bergantung kepada faktor genetik dan lelemak yang terkandung di dalam tahi telinga,” katanya.
Beliau berkata, tahi telinga bertindak sebagai pelindung kepada telinga anda kerana lendir ataucecair yang terkandung di dalamnya boleh menyebabkan debu terlekat, kesukaran dimasuki serangga dan mengelakkan jangkitan serangga.Sehubungan itu, beliau menasihatkan ibu bapa supaya tidak mengorek telinga anak mereka dengan apa juga bahan kerana bimbang ia boleh menyebabkan luka dan kurang ketahanan untuk bertindak sebagai pelindung.
“Telinga yang terluka akan mudah ditumbuhi dan dijangkiti kulat serta bakteria. Selain itu, amalan mengorek telinga juga dikhuatiri boleh menyebabkan kerosakan pada gegendang telinga,” katanya.
Bagaimanapun, Dr Aminuddin berkata, ada segelintir individu yang mengalami masalah tahi telinga tidak terkeluar dengan sendiri dan keadaan ini dikenali sebagai keratosis obsturans. Katanya, mereka yang mengalami masalah ini perlu berkunjung ke hospital untuk membolehkan pakar telinga, hidung dan tekak mengeluarkan tahi telinga.Lazimnya, telinga pesakit akan dimasukkan ubat titik atau minyak zaitun bagi membolehkan doktor menggunakan sejenis alat bagi menyedut tahi telinga mereka. Kanak-kanak yang mengalami masalah itu selalunya akan berasa tidak selesa dan kurang mendengar kerana tahi telinga mereka keras dan tidak terkeluar sebagaimana dalam keadaan normal. “Bagaimanapun, keadaan seumpama itu amat jarang berlaku kerana lazimnya, tahi telinga akan terkeluar dengan sendiri,” katanya.

Breathing TherapyPractice this way and it will help you...Our noses have left and right nostrils. Are these nostrils having the same function for inhaling (breathe in) and exhaling (breathe out)?Actually it's not the same and we can feel the difference. Accordingly, the right side represents the sun and the left side represents the moon.When having headache, try to close your right nostril and use your left nostril to do breathing for about 5 min. The headache will be gone.If you feel too tired, do it the opposite way. Close your left nostril and breathe through your right nostril. After a while, you will feel refresh again.Because the right side belongs to heat, so it gets hot easily. The left side gets cold easily.Women breathe mainly with their left nostril, so they get calm down easily.Men breathe mostly with their right nostril, so they get angry easily.When we wake up, do we notice which nostril breathes faster? Is it the left side or the right side?If the left nostril breathes faster, you will feel very tired. Close your left nostril and use your right nostril for breathing and you will get refresh quickly.You can teach your kids about it. The effect of breathing therapy is much better for adults.I used to have painful headache. When consulted a doctor, he told me jokingly," You will be all right if you get married!" The doctor did not bullshit me as he had his theory and supported with testimony.During that time, I used to have headache every night and I was not able to study. I took medicine but I was not cured.One night as I sat down to medidate, I closed my right nostril and breathed with my left nostril. In less than a week, it seemed that my headache problem had left me! I continued doing it for about a month and since then there was no recurrence of headache in me.This is my own experience. I used to tell others who also suffer headache to try this method as it was effective for me. It also works for those who have tried as well. This is a natural therapy, unlike taking medicines for a long time may have side effect. So, why don't you try it out?Practice the correct ways of breathing (breathe in and breathe out) and your body will be in a very relaxing condition.

Fellowship training program

by ACE | 8:26 PM in | comments (0)

We are glad to announced the Fellowship Training Program on Medical Laboratory Instrumention for Iraqi deligates ( 10th - 27th Feb 2009) was successfully carried out and has ended today.

The program is carried out at ACE trainng Centre, Hospital Kepala Batas, Hospital Seberang Jaya & Hospital Sungai Petani.

We wish the candidates the best of luck and we thanks all those who held the program successfully.


by ACE | 11:22 PM in | comments (0)

64 Biomedical students from Universiti Tunku Abd Rahman (UTAR) came tovisit HMSB 26/02/09.
We gave them the tour of the company and operation.
Special thanks to En Azman and his team on organising this program. Bravo........
Opening speech by En Saleh Tahir

Reen & Yati

Concentrate with the topics.

at Vaporiser Lab

mari..mari..mari... jual ubat

at ACE

see you next time

The Boy & The Apple Tree

by ACE | 6:42 PM in | comments (0)